18th June 2021, 23:30
We are currently having issues across the board with the control panel, website and ticket system. Please bear with us while we investigate We will let you know when we resolve the problem and apologies for the current downtime.
19th June 2021, 00:00
Our websites, control panels and ticket system are now back online.
19th June 2021, 00:43
We have detected an issue with our TCAdmin control panel regarding services having an "unknown" status and are investigating.
19th June 2021, 02:36
We're currently deploying a TCAdmin fix for all these "unknowns".
19th June 2021, 08:00
Apologize for the lack of communication over the last few hours.
As you may have noticed we've been working on fixing a few issues that have been cropping up of late, the teams been really hard over the last few hours trying to get everything done to get you guys back online. Some of you may have noticed your services are all ready back up and running, while we see a few of you haven't. We haven't forgotten you, we're still working on them as well, and we're hoping this won't take too much longer.
We appreciate your continued patience.
19th June 2021, 09:23
All issues with the TCAdmin control panel have now been resolved.